
segunda-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2008

Help needed in the Lausanne Area

Este é um e-mail que recebemos hoje de um amigo Holandês e eu decidi pô-lo aqui para quem quiser/puder ajudar.

Today I spoke with a colleague who is desperately looking for a place to stay in Lausanne, Switzerland. She has twins of 3 years old , of whom one was born with a wind-pipe defect that needs serious surgery. This surgery will have to be done in Lausanne's University Hospital and her daughter will need to be there for 2 weeks. The parents and twin sister would very much like to stay the two weeks to support her. However, they can't afford a Hotel or rent an appartment for the regular prices (Switzerland is criminally expensive, due to the skiing thing) and there's no local Ronald McDonald house. They currently do not have specific dates, because the Hospital is still trying to find a spot.

Would you know of anyone in in the area of Lausanne that has an appartment/space for rent that would be willing to help these people out for a friendly price?

These are good people who need a little help to get through this difficult period, so if you know of anyone that could put these people up for those two weeks, please let me know.


Thank you


3 comentários:

Sonhos Milka disse...

Vivo muito perto do CHUV (Hospital Universitario), nesta zona é complicado alugar mas se souber aviso.

Sonhos Milka

aurora disse...

Muito Obrigada. :)

Quando muito eles ficam connosco, mas nós vivemos a >2h de distância de Lausanne o que não é muito viável.
Mas enfim, a ver vamos :)

Sonhos Milka disse...

Nada que agradecer. Existem estas opcoes que eu utilizava quando nao tinha casa.